Day 8: Sending Binary Messages With The Internet Simulator

Purpose: Students will develop a protocol to solve a problem.

Yesterday you all made your own binary message devices. We learned that we could compose binary messages. In order to interpret the message we needed to know which signal meant A and which meant B. What we were really doing was beginning to develop a communication protocol. Today you’re going to develop a protocol to solve a problem.

 Journal Entry: Go online and write the definition of “Protocol” into your Journal. – Share with class.
A “protocol” is a set of rules about sending, receiving and interpreting binary messages.

Flashlight Binary Signal!

Show this video to the Student Transmitting the code with the flashlight.
Protocal:          On = A
                        Off = B
Test 1
“Imagine that you and your friend have made a binary signaling protocol using a flashlight. The light on is letter “A”, off is letter “B.”  (Code: B A B A B)

 “Your friend sends you this message. What is being signaled here? Write down what you think the message says.”

Test 2
“Uh oh! Your friend realizes she actually made a mistake encoding the message from before and decides to re-send the message. Decode this new version of the message and write it down.”

Class Discussion

Journal Entry: Define Bit? (“Bit” is short for binary digit.)
Question: How many Bits were in the code for Test #1: “BABAB?” (5)


Objective: Today you and your partner will be developing a protocol for exchanging 2-bit messages using an Internet Simulator.
Today we will be using an Internet Simulator to explore some of the challenges of sending bits on the Internet. This tool simulates a single wire connecting two people who cannot otherwise see or speak to each other. The Internet Simulator helps to enforce “the binary rule” for sending messages – it will present challenges that you will need to problem solve around.

Accessing the Internet Simulator:

Ok students, time to dive in and see if you can figure out how to use the Internet Simulator. Have Fun!
Internet Simulator Tool Tutorial

At the moment you and your partner decide you would like a little guidance, view the following video so that you can see how others came to successfully use the simulator. Remember…it is all about Timing & Synchronization! You need to write your own rules or protocols to make it work.
An example of how the Internet Simulator is being used.

Journal: How did you and your partner rewrite your protocol to have a more successful discussion on the Internet Simulator. (With Partner!)