Temporary Class Calendar During School Break
Since it would be difficult to have you work on your class projects from home, I am going to temporarily change the course curriculum to focus on other aspects of technology until we can once again meet as a class. I understand that these can be challenging times for you and your family, so if you miss a deadline...that is ok, just respond as soon as you can so that I can get you your points.
This Calendar is updated weekly...so refresh your browser!
Week 1: March 16th - March 20th_"How Semiconductors are Manufactured."
View this video on how semiconductors are manufactured. Watch the video (popcorn and drink are highly recommended whenever you watch a movie!). Please email me and state the following: 1. What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video showing how semiconductors are made. (click here). (YouTube!)
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org.
Please state "Week 1" and your name in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 2: March 23rd - March 27th_"Introduces How Computers Work",
Watch the two videos below: 1. An introduction by Bill Gates called, "Introduces How Computers Work," then 2. "What Makes A Computer A Computer."
Please email me and state the following: 1. What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video "Introduces How Computers Work."(1min 20 sec): YouTube!
Video"What Makes A Computer A Computer.": YouTube!
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 2" and your name in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 3: March 30th - April 3rd_ "Binary & Data."
Watch the video below: 1. "Binary & Data."
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video"Binary & Data." (5min 58 sec): You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 3" & your name in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 4: April 13th - April 17th_ "Circuits & Logic."
Watch the video below: 1. "Circuits & Logic."
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video "Circuits & Logic": You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 4" & your name in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 5: April 19th - April 24th_ "CPU, Memory Input & Output"
Watch the video below: "CPU, Memory Input & Output."
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video: "CPU, Memory Input & Output.": You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 5" & Your Name" in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 6: April 27th - May 1st_ "Hardware & Software "
Watch the video below: "Hardware & Software."
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video: "Hardware & Software.":You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 6" & Your Name" in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 7: May 4th - May 8th_ "What is the Internet. "
Watch the video below: "What is the Internet."
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video: "What is the Internet?": You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 7" & Your Name" in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 8: May 11th - May 15th_ "The Internet: Wires, Cables & Wifi. "
Watch the video below: "The Internet: Wires, Cables & Wifi."
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video: "The Internet: Wires, Cables & Wifi.":You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 8" & Your Name" in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 9: May 18th - May 22nd_ "The Internet: iP Addresses & DNS. "
Watch the video below: "The Internet: iP Addresses & DNS. "
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video: "The Internet: iP Addresses & DNS. " You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 9" & Your Name" in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site
Week 10: May 25th - May 29th_ "The Internet: Packets, Routing & Reliablity. "
Watch the video below: "The Internet: Packets, Routing & Reliability. "
Please email me and state the following: 1.What is one thing you found interesting as you watched the video, & 2. Why did you find it interesting?
Video: "The Internet: Packets, Routing & Reliability. "" You Tube
Mr. Harrington Email Address: john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org
Please state "Week 10" & Your Name" in the subject line when you reply, so that I know which video to give you credit
Class Site