U1Ch1L2b: Developing A Protocol

Purpose: Students will learn how to develop a Protocol in order to solve a problem.

Yesterday you made a Device and developed a Process to communicate a binary question. In order to interpret the message we needed to know which signal meant “A” and which meant “B”. What we were really doing was beginning to develop a communication Protocol. Today you’re going to develop a protocol to solve a problem.

Develop A Protocol
Partners need to create a protocol that takes the following rules into account: :

  • The light “On” is letter “A”, “Off” is letter “B.”  
  • The Transmitter shall pulse the flashlight on and off at 1 second intervals.
  • One student is the Transmitter and sends a message with a flashlight.
  • One student is the Receiver and decodes the binary message.
  • The Transmitter and Receiver may not talk or make any signals to communicate. All communication is made with the flashlight.

Challenge #1 - Transmitting 4 Letter Binary Code.
“Imagine that you and your friend have made a binary signaling protocol using a flashlight.

Challenge #2 - Transmitting More Complex Binary Code.
“Uh oh! The instructor noticed how good you were getting at writing protocols, so decided to make the activity a little more challenging.