U1Ch1L6: Representing Text (ASCII)

Purpose: Students will develop a system to represent text using only numbers in order to communicate with each other (This is an introduction to ASCII).

Vocabulary:  Abstraction, ASCII

Intro Activity: Numbers can be used to represent different types of information!

Brainstorm with your neighbor what you think this list represents. When you think you have an idea, come up with another item to add to this list and be ready to explain why it belongs.

Activity 1: Creating a Protocol for Text

Prep: With a partner, develop a protocol that will allow you to communicate words to each other. You may only use numbers (no letters or characters are allowed. Practice with the word..."duck."

Challenge #1: Convert Letters To Numbers
The instructor will provide Partner A with a word.. Partner A will digitize the word using their protocol onto a Post It note. Partner A will hand the Post It note to Partner B. Partner B will convert the Post It note back to the original message.
Were you successful? Do you need to rewrite your Protocol?

Challenge #2: Add a Space
Refine your protocol to account for spaces (eg. "blue sky" ).
The instructor will provide you with two words and a space. Follow the same process you did above.
Were you successful? Do you need to rewrite your Protocol?

Challenge #3: Add a Punctuation
Refine your protocol to account for punctuation(eg. "." "," "!" "?").
The instructor will provide you with a word that has punctuation. Follow the same process you did above.
Were you successful? Do you need to rewrite your Protocol?

Challenge #4: Add a Capital Letter
Refine your protocol to account for capital letters (eg. "Great ").
The instructor will provide you with a word that has a capital letter. Follow the same process you did above.
Were you successful? Do you need to rewrite your Protocol?

Activity 2: Class Competition

Explanation: The instructor will provide Partner A of all groups with a phrase on a Post It note. The phrase will include: multiple letters, a space, puctuation and a capital letter. The team that completes 3 puzzles first...Wins!

Handout: ASCII
Provide the students with ASCII handout. Ask them to compare ASCII to the system they developed.

Journal: 1. Define Abstraction. 2. How does it relate to what you did today and ASCII?