U2Ch1L5_ Packets

Purpose: Students will see that all information on the internet is broken into smaller chunks called packets and reassembled at the destination.
Vocabulary: TCP, UDP.

Journal: The school library is moving all its books to brand new facility on the other side of the campus. They have hired you to remove the books.

Activity: Log On to the Internet Simulator (U2Ch1L5_Packets) Handout


Practice Round:

Begin I.S. Protocol #1 – Just Send All The Packets. (UDP)

Competition: Protocol #2 – Check For Errors. (TCP)

Journal: We just experienced how frustrating it is to chop messages/files into smaller packets when sending them across the internet. Why is this such a valuable process for the success of the internet though? (pipes/rocks/sand)

Video: The Internet: Packets, Routing and Reliability.