Unit 2: The Internet / Review

Journal #1: (indv. / partner / class)

Sate at least 2 Browsers. State at least 2 Search Engines.

Explain why younger generations are confused?

Journal #2: (indv. / partner / class)

1. Define the following terms and explain what they do in no more than one sentecnce.

Client Servers Routers IP
Network Redundancy URL Domain Name Packets




2. You are on your computer at home and want to retrieve the finals schedule from the high school website. Draw the entire process from start to finish. Start from the moment you sit down, turn on the computer/browser and enter the school address, to eventually the file being retrieved and brought back to you so that you can download and print it. Include all the terms stated above in your drawing; most will be stated several times in the process you draw.