U4Ch1L9_ Public Key Cryptography.

Purpose: Students will, 1. Learn the mechanics of communication with Public Key Cryptography(Assymetric Encryption), & 2. The basic mathematical principles (Modelo) that make it possible.

Journal: “How can two people send encrypted messages to each other if they can’t communicate, or agree on an encryption key ahead of time, and the only way they have to communicate is over the Internet?”  -- Solution is Public Key Encryption! (Asymmetric Encryption is a type of Public Key Encryption).

Video: The Internet: Encryption & Public Keys (Start At 4:12! We saw this video last class - Need to remember how Public and Private keys function.)

Activity #1: An Explanation of How Asymmetric Encryption Works. (Cups and Beans)
Video: Example of Asymmetric Encryption: Mobile or YouTube
Students Now Act As 'Eve', 'Alice' and 'Bob'.: Have Eve stand between Alice and Bob in front of the class – Alice has a clear cup, counts out a specific number of beans and places them in the cup.

Students...Practice creating Private Keys!

Activity #2: Modulo Clock Thought Experiment – An explanation of the mathematics that supports Asymmetric Encryption. (clocks)

How much time passed? (Think about it…Guess!)


This Clock is a “One Way Function.” Since we have no way of knowing the original input, there is an Infinite Number of Possibilities!
Note: using the clock is arbitrary – not limited to 12 – can be any size, but a clock is a useful visual.

Understanding Modulo:

Log On to: Code.org
U4Ch1L9: Click on #5 “Clock Arithmetic Modulo.
Note: You may want to use your calculator.

Activity Guide (Handout): Multiplication + Modulo




Step 2: Toward encryption - Use multiplication to produce inputs
Experiment - Small changes to inputs, big changes to outputs.
Using a clock size of 37, let’s multiply two numbers (we’ll call them A (Alice!!) and B (Bob!!)) to use as input, then make small changes to each while holding the other constant. We’ll always use the formula ​A * B MOD M.​ We’ll start with A=20 and B=50 and M=37. So here is the first result...
20​ ​*​ ​50​ MOD 37 = ​1
Now find in the rest of these values making small adjustments to A and B individually.
Use a calculator, if necessary, to compute A * B. Use the Mod Clock to compute the modulus of the result.

Increment A



Increment B


21​*50 MOD 37



20*​51​ MOD 37


22​*50 MOD 37



20*​52​ MOD 37


23​*50 MOD 37



20 * 53  MOD   37


Log Onto Code.org: U4Ch1L9: Click on #6 – “Public Key Widget Instructions.”

Explain what happened?