// updateScreen() is added under each comment to update the screen.
// This is just a good way to get familiar with making function calls.

// Create and assign variables
var thumbsUp = 5;
var mood;
// add code to update the screen

// When the down button is clicked
// decrease the thumbs up by one and
// update the screen.
onEvent("downButton", "click", function( ) {
thumbsUp = thumbsUp - 1;
// add code to update the screen


// When the up button is clicked
// increase the thumbsUp by one and
// update the screen.
onEvent("upButton", "click", function( ) {
thumbsUp = thumbsUp + 1;
// add code to update the screen

// Function to update the screen. It first checks
// the number of thumbs up. Then it changes the mood
// variable and uses it to update the text on the screen.
function updateScreen() {
if(thumbsUp < 0){
mood = "Sad";
setProperty("moodGraphic", "image", "icon://fa-frown-o");
} else if (thumbsUp < 10) {
mood = "Neutral";
setProperty("moodGraphic", "image", "icon://fa-meh-o");
} else {
mood = "Happy";
setProperty("moodGraphic", "image", "icon://fa-smile-o");
setProperty("moodLabel", "text", "Thumbs Up: " + thumbsUp + " Mood: " + mood);