U4Ch1L3_Variables Practice

Purpose: Students will practice using the skills and processes they have learned about variables. 

Activity: Log on to U4Ch1L3 – Practice using all the skills you have learned.

Level 2: Variable Rules- There are a few Rules for Variables Names:

Level 3: Variables & Operators

Level 4: Variable in Expressions

Var. Hint:

Level 5: Expressions: Joining Two Strings

The  +  operator can be used to join two strings or a number and a string.

Do This:

Level 6: Counting with Numbers

The counter pattern is myVar = myVar + 1. The expression on the right myVar + 1 is evaluated first. The new value is then assigned to myVar. This pattern lets a variable "count" by whatever amount is added.

Do This:

Level 7: Counting with Strings

The counter pattern can be used with strings too.
Do This:

Level 8: Global vs. Local Variables


Level 9: Applying Your Variable Skills

Do This: