// Create and assign variables
var score = 0;
var lives = 3;
var userName;
var password;

// Button to start the game
onEvent("playButton", "click", function() {

// Set starting values for variables and properties
score = 0;
lives = 3;
setProperty("scoreLivesLabel","text","Score: " + score + " Lives: " + lives);
// Get user name and password
userName = getText("nameDropdown");
password = getText("passwordInput");
// Check login information
if((userName == "Lemonhead") && (password == "lemon123")){
playSound("sound://category_alerts/vibrant_game_carton_start_game_2_long.mp3", false);
} else if ((userName == "SourPower") && (password == "iLoveLemons")){
playSound("sound://category_alerts/vibrant_game_carton_start_game_2_long.mp3", false);
} else {

// Event handler for when the mouse touches a lemon
onEvent("lemon", "mouseover", function( ) {

// Increase the score
score = score + 1;

// Set the size of the lemon based on the score
if (score > 15){
} else if (score > 10) {
setProperty("lemon","width", 100);
setProperty("lemon","height", 100);
} else {
setProperty("lemon","width", 140);
setProperty("lemon","height", 140);

//Calling the function updateScreen

// Event handler for when the mouse touches a lime
onEvent("lime", "mouseover", function() {
playSound("sound://category_retro/retro_game_enemy_spawn_7.mp3", false);

// Decrease lives
lives = lives - 1;

//Calling the function updateScreen

// End game when you run out of lives
if(lives == 0){
setProperty("startLabel","text","You collected " + score + " lemons! Play again?");

//Declaring the function updateScreen, using the repeated code
//from the two even handlers
function updateScreen() {
// Move the lemon and lime to random locations
setProperty("lemon","x", randomNumber(50,220));
setProperty("lemon","y", randomNumber(50,320));
setProperty("lime","x", randomNumber(50,220));
setProperty("lime","y", randomNumber(50,320));

// Update screen text
setProperty("scoreLivesLabel","text", "Score: " + score + " Lives: " + lives);