Purpose: Students will learn the risks from large-scale data breaches as a result of the collection of Big Data.
Journal Entry: Response to viewing “Worlds Biggest Data Breaches Visual.”
- Present 3 Breaches you found surprising or of major concern / Why?
- Is there a pattern in the types of data that is being stolen?
- Pick one or your responses – What issues can arise if the data got into the wrong hands.
Activity: Hack Yourself! (Worksheet)
- Students, go online and run a search on You!
- What did you learn about yourself?
- Were you concerned about anything you learned?
Video: Cybersecurity & Crime
- Vocabulary:Viruses / DDOS (BotNet) / Phishing Scam/
Activity: Nine Tips To Protect You From Being Hacked
- Select the link above.
- Scan the Nine Tips:
- Are there any you currently do?
- Is there one that you can immediately do to protect yourself? Then do it!
- you have a relative (grandparent) / friend that could benefit from one of the tips? Either email that person the link to the webpage or recommend a specific tip they should follow.