U1Ch2L9: The Need For Addressing

Purpose: Students will begin to learning about the Internet Protocol Address System (IP Address) .
We had been looking at communication problems and creating protocols for Point to Point. What about when there are Multiple people?

Vocabulary: IP Address & Packets

Activity: Broadcast Battleship!

Distribute Broadcast Battleship Game Board - Activity Guide to each student. Read the rules.

Round 1: Play Battleship - Unplugged (no computer, just paper and pencil).

Log on to Code Studio (U1Ch2L9- “The Need for Addressing”) -

Video: Tutorial explaining how to play Battleship using the Internet Simulator!
Handout: Video Worksheet (complete while watching video.).

Round 2: Play Battleship on the Internet Simulator - Yes Talking!

Round 3: Play Battleship on the Internet Simulator - No Talking!

New Challenge: Your team is going to have to play Battleship without talking!
You will only be able to use the Internet Simulator to communicate

Highlight to the students the differences in the new version:

Create A Protocol For The Game

Round 4:
Have students return to the Internet Simulator, start a new game and test out their protocol.
Remind them of the No Talking rule.
Distribute a clean copy of the game board.

During previous lessons, you wrote protocols for Point-To-Point communication. But today, you had to create a protocol for Multiple recipients.
What changes did you make to the protocol that allowed you to send & receive digital messages from multiple recipients?