Devil's Digest
Blue Review
Class Collaboration
Technology Classes


Unit 5: Building Apps

This unit expands upon the foundational concepts of computer programming. Students will use Javascript to write their own Apps.

Ch1:Event Driven Programming    
U5Ch1L1_Buttons & Events Students are introduced to the concept of “big data,” where it comes from, what makes it “big,” and how people use big data to solve problems. Click here.
U5Ch1L2_Multi-screen Apps. Students will learn how to find and explain trends in data. Click here.
U5Ch1L3_Building a Multi-Screen App.

Students will analyze and validate data and come to understand the Digital Divide.

Click here.
U5Ch1L4_Controlling Memory With Variables. Students will learn to look at how data is used with an increasingly critical eye. Click here.
U5Ch1L5_Building an App: Clicker Game Students will learn the risks from large-scale data breaches as a result of the collection of Big Data. Click here.
U5Ch1L6_User Input & Strings. Students will be able to explain the tradeoffs between maintaining personal privacy and using innovative software free of cost. Click here.
U5Ch1L7_"If" Statements Unplugged. Students will understand the early forms of encryption and how they work. Click here.
U5Ch1L8_Boolean Expressions & "If" Statements. Students will use a Vigenère cipher to learn about the relationship between cryptographic keys/passwordsand the Encryption & Decryption of a Message. Click here.
U5Ch1L9_"if-else-if" and Conditional Logic. Students will, 1. Learn the mechanics of communication with Public Key Cryptography(Assymetric Encryption), & 2. The basic mathematical principles (Modelo) that make it possible. Click here.
U5Ch1L10_Building an App: Color Sleuth. Should the government regulate encryption by requiring software companies to provide Master Keys to protect us from terrorists? Click here
 Unit 4 Review & Test   Click here

Questions? jharrington@sthelenaunified.org