Day 12: Binary – Developing  Number Systems

Purpose: Students will begin to focus on representing numeric values using an infinite Binary Number System.

Challenge #1: How many Combinations Can Be Made From Just 2 Shapes?
Using thnumberse 2 shapes shown here, how many combinations can be assembles without repeating? In your Journals, begin assembling the combinations.


As an example, below is the first two combinations I came up with. Now it is up to you to discover the total number of combinations that can be assembled.





Total Number:                              

Introduce Binary Number System:

Show the Binary Odometer:
Journal: With your partner, watch the Binary Odometer. Describe how “place value” is used in the binary number system (Watch the roll over of the ‘0’ and ‘1’). How is it similar or different from the way place value is used in the base 10 number system (Watch the roll over at ‘9’). (This is a question found on the CSP AP)

Activity: Students Complete the Binary Practice

Binary Game:
Cisco had an excellent online Binary Game. They changed it to an Apple App.: Click here.