Technology Classes

Unit 1: Computer Science


Unit 1: How Computers Work

Students will learn about the hardware that makes up a computer, how they are used and what allows these machines to function.

1. What Is A Computer? Students should have a greater understanding of what a computer is. Click here.
2. Computer Components. Students will have a greater understanding of the components or hardware that makes up a computer. Click here.
3. Dismantle & Build a Computer.

Students will understand the components or hardware that makes up a computer by dismantling and rebuilding a computer.

Click here.
4. Building A Computer For a Client. Students will understand the purpose and value of computer components based on the user's need. Click here.
Test: Computer Components This Unit Test is based on the information covered in class: Flowchart, Definitions, Computer Startup Chronology and The Power Goes Out.  
5. Counting In Binary To be able to understand and count in Binary Code. Click here.
6. Silicon Lite Seeing the entire process of the creation of an integrated circuit. Click here.
7. Triumph Of The Nerds The story of the birth of the personal computer and Silicon Valley. Click here.
Computer History Museum Field Trip to the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley (Mountain View) Click here.
Privacy vs. Security Concerns
11. Privacy & Security Looking at Privacy and Security Concerns Click here.
Artificial Intelligence
12. The Turing Test (Game) Can computers exhibit “intelligence,” or are they ever likely to do so in the future. Click here.
13. Understanding A.I. A.I. is all about Data and lets go count some fish! Click here.
14. Artificial Intelligence: The Impact on Human Jobs.

Can Computers Outperform Humans? Jobs!

Click here.
15. Imitation Game The story of Alan Turing, a pioneer of the modern electronic computer and machine learning. Click here.

AI For Teacher   
