Using the “Problem Solving Process.
”Handshake #2”

  1. Understand the problem
    1. What data or information is known?
      • 10 people
    2. What data or information is unknown?
      • How many hand shakes will occur when everyone will shake hands with everyone else in the room.
    3. What are the conditions?
      • Everyone in the room will shake hands once and only once with everyone else in the room.
  2. Make a Plan to solve the problem – (This is known as an Algorithm!)
      • H=Number of handshakes.
      • N=Number of people.
      • H = N(N-1)/2
  3. Carry out the plan.

    H= (10(10-1)/2

  4. Reflect on how the problem was solved.

    Note: The easiest way to test this formula is with 4 people and then 5 people to see if the formula is accurate.

    Eg: 4 People = 6 handshakes

    1,2 2,3 3,4

    1,3 2,3
