Sorting Algorithms
Purpose: Designing Faster Sort Methodologies
Activity: Sorting Cylinders (Model or Demonstrate this!)
- The 7 cylinders in front of you are different weights. You and your partners need to come up with a plan to organize the cylinders by weight, in a line, from lightest to heaviest with the Least Amount of "Weight Comparisons." A Weight Comparison is defined as anytime two cylinders are lifted off the table to compare their weight (you may not lift more or less than two at a time).
- Remember the Dictionary Activity - Binary/Splitting was far more efficient than Linear - So make your Sorting Plan a Binary Plan!
- Note: Please have one person in the group count how many times a Weight Comparison was made.”
- Also, please don't open the cylinders. There is cement in each cylinder - if you open them, it will create a huge mess.
In Your Journal... Use the “Problem Solving Process” to develop a plan.
- Understand the Problem
- What is known?
- What is not known (This is what I am trying to solve)?
- What are the conditions (restrictions or limitations).
- Make a Plan to solve the problem – This is known as an Algorithm!
- Carry out the Plan.
- Review and Reflect on how the problem was solved.
I am giving you 3 minutes to develop a Binary Plan with your team. I will come by to see your Plan in your journal and then you can begin the process - Begin Sorting Trial #1. Solution #1
When you finish carrying out your plan, I will ask you :
- How many weight comparisons?
- What process did you develop and use?
- Was it efficient?
Review & Reflect on your initial plan, and now develop a more efficient Second Plan?
I will come by to see your Plan in your journal and then you can begin the process - Begin Sorting Trial #2. Solution #2
Note: Would you say the approach you followed was Binary or Linear.