External CSS

Support Site - Recreate The External CSS, "Famous American Speeches" Website.

Purpose: Understand how to create web pages that are linked to an External Style Sheet.

You will be provided with all the html pages, typed content and images. You will also be provided with the code for each of the pages. As you reassemble the site, pay special attention to which rules have been used on the external style sheet versus those that have been applied to the actual web page.

First, create a folder on your desktop and name it, "ExternalCss_YourName." Create two additional folders and place in the first folder: "Graphics" & "Documents".

Second, create five blank html pages and title them:

Note: you will eventually have to make an External Style Sheet (.css)
Save these pages to the "Documents" folder.

Third, copy and paste the text provided on all the pages below to your pages. Then download the images provided for you on the pages to the "Graphics" folder

Fourth, begin adding the code in order to format the pages. The code and an image of each page can be found on the pages below.

For a copy of the External Style Sheet Grade Sheet: click here.

Hint...Want To Save Time? After you write the code on one page...Paste!Paste!Paste!

Remember, the purpose of this assignment is to have you create your first External Style Sheet and to notice when you should add a rule to a page versus on an External Style Sheet.

Home Page

Abraham Lincoln Page

John F. Kennedy Page

Martin Luther King Page

Patrick Henry Page