Build A Website Made Up Of A Complex "File & Folder Structure."
Purpose: Students will build and submit a website based upon a more complex File & Folder structure.
View the Model Site you will rebuild: Red/Blue Model Site.
View the Model Handout - Especially the Folder/File structure of the new site!! Read the explanation of how the Code is written differently in order to move up several folder levels and then into a folder in order to link to an image or html page.
Step#1: Rebuild the File & Folder structure shown on the Model Handout.
Step#2: Copy and paste your code from either "SF & World Geography" or "Classroom & SHHS" into your "Red.html" & "Blue.html" web pages.
Step#3: Edit the code to match the names of the new images and web pages. Then, edit the code to match the new folder structure.
Remember: "../" lets you move up a folder level & "/" allows you to
drop into a folder.
Here are the two images that you should save to the "Graphics" Folder: "Red.gif" & "Blue.gif"
Look at the Folder & File structure on the Review Handout to see what the name of the files should be changed to.
Video Tutorial: (Mobile) (You Tube)