Junk Movie (Campus Tour)
Final Cut Pro - Video Tutorial (Ver: 3.1)
RLS Pro Apps Class
Training occurs on Macs. You will need Quicktime Player to view these training videos. |
These video tutorials match the skills taught in the classroom. Each segment below corresponds to the gradesheet provided to the students. |
Preparation: |
A. Film the campus: Track, Quad & Nature Trail.
Guidelines: Film each area at least 3 times at different places and different ways in which you shoot the film (still, pan, zoom). Delete the film you don't like after you view them all on the computer. If you pan in one direction, then stop filming before you film in the other direction. If you zoom in, then stop filming before you zoom out.
B. The Interface
- 1a. Understanding the Final Cut Pro interface. (video)
C. Library, Events & Projects
- 2a. An explanation of how all the media files are organized using Libraries, Events and Projects. (video)
Training: |
Step #1: Import Video
- 1a. A demonstration of how to import your video from a camcorder to Final Cut Pro. (video)
- 1b. An explanation of how to import other media files into Final Cut, either from the 'Desktop' or iTunes & iPhoto. (video)
Step #2: Timeline
- 2a. An explanation of how to select and drag clips from the Browser to the Timeline. (video) (You Tube)
- 2b. Useful tools when editing on the timeline: Playhead, Zoom & Trim. (video) (You Tube)
- 2c. Snapping (video) (You Tube)
Step #3: Titles
Step #4: Transitions
Step #5: Audio!
Step #6: Importing an Image
- 6a. Learn how to import an image from the desktop and iPhoto. (video) (You Tube)
Adding A Special Effect
- 7a. Learn how to either slow down a film or speed it up and reverse the motion of a film. (video) (You Tube)
- 7b. Ken Burns Effect...Zoom In/Out (video) (You Tube)
Exporting a Video File From Final Cut Pro
- Learn how to export your film as a video file onto the desktop using Final Cut Pro. (video)