Model Brochure Word- Video Tutorial
RLS 6th Grade Prospectus Class

These video tutorials match the skills taught in the classroom. Each segment below corresponds to the Model and the gradesheet provided to the students.

Download the "Model Brochure Pieces" folder from the RLS Multimedia Server. (video)

Step #1: New Document, Margins, Columns & Page Break, Save: (video)

Step #2: Publishing Layout: Grids and Guides: (video)
Step #3: Insert Images: (video)
Step #4: Add Text. (video)
Step #5: Framing: Inserting Shapes. (video)
Step #6: Arrange Page and Fonts. (video)

Step #7: Text Flow. (video)

Step #8: Add Titles & Frame the Titles. (video)
Step #9: Line Up the Page & Grouping. (video)
Now...Check your spelling, grammer, and puctuation!