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Jen Marinace - Food Heritage


Login & View The Model Site: 
Students, login to your Google Account. (mobile) (Flash)

Explanation of Training::

First Segment – Create an 8th Grade ePortfolio Website: (mobile) (Flash)
Students will build a website, that will have tabs accessing the homepage of each class. Students will also be shown how to create drop down menus that will link to class projects. (For a greater understanding of what you will be creating, please view the (Model Website).
Goal: Anyone who recreates this model site will have all the skills necessary to quickly make a website.

Second Segment – Create “Food Heritage” Web Pages for Your English Project:
Prior to building this website, the students researched and wrote a paper about a food that is apart of their family’s heritage. It is this content that the students are going to present in their newly created website.

1st Segment: Create an 8th Grade ePortfolio Website

Step #1: Create A New Site

1a.  Explain “Sites” Home Page and Navigation. (mobile) (Flash)
1b. Show/Explain Blank Templates and Professional Templates. (mobile) (Flash)
1c.  Choose Blank Template. Enter Site Name:“YourName_8th Grade ePortfolio”. Select Theme. Create! (mobile) (Flash)

Helpful Hint: What If I Want to Change My Sites Theme, Color, or Look After I Have Created It?
No problem. If you just made the site, I would recommend you just delete it and start over. But if you have put some effort into the site, there are ways to change its look and feel, just go to "Manage site." (mobile) (Flash)

Step #2: Creating a Web Page & Linking to Additional Pages

2a. Open “YourName_8thGrade ePortfolio.” You are viewing your Home Page. Rename it “Welcome.” Write a short sentence welcoming visitors to your ‘Home Page’ (view the model). Format the text. (mobile) (Flash)
2b. Create eight more pages and title them: 1.”English,” 2.”History,” 3.”Science.” 4.”Math,” 5.”Spanish,” 6.”Elective” (please enter the name of Your elective), 7.”PE,” and 8.”World Wheel.” A link shall appear in the left Navigation Bar. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #3:  Deleting a Web Page

3a. Create an extra page called “Junk,” and then delete it. You now know how to delete web pages. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #4: Add Tabs For Each Class

4a. Create a functioning tab for 1.”English,” 2.”History,” 3.”Science.” 4.”Math,” 5.”Spanish,” 6.”Elective” (please enter the name of Your elective), 7.”PE,” and 8.”World Wheel.” (mobile) (Flash)

Helpful Hint: Making the Tabs or Navigation Bar Invisible/Visible
“Enter site layout.” Click on either the “Horizontal” or “Sidebar” tab. Notice it becomes visible or invisible.

2nd Segment: Create Food Heritage Web Pages for ePortfolio Website

Step #5: Linking a Class Project to the Class Home Page.
In this step, we will create a webpage for the “Food Heritage” Project and link it to the English Home Pg. (mobile) (Flash)

5a. Create Project Home Page: View the “English” page. “Add a New Page.”  Title it, “My Heritage & Its Food.” Select, “Put page under,” (in this case it will say ‘English’)!! Click on “Create” & “Save.” This is the home page for this project.
5b. Create the “Food Research & Family Connections” Page: View the “My Heritage & Its Food,” page and create a new page, title it “Food Research & Family Connections.” Select, “Put page under,” (in this case it will say ‘My Heritage & Its Food’)!! Click on “Create” & “Save.”
5c. Create the “Recipe” Page: View the “My Heritage & Its Food,” page and create a new page, title it “Recipe”.” Select, “Put page under,” (in this case it will say ‘My Heritage & Its Food’)!! Click on “Create” & “Save.”
5d. Create the “Works Cited” Page: View the “My Heritage & Its Food,” page and create a new page, title it “Works Cited”.” Select, “Put page under,” (in this case it will say ‘My Heritage & Its Food’)!! Click on “Create” & “Save.”

Step #6: Having Subpages Appear in the Navigation Bar

View the project Home Page, “My Heritage & Its Food.” Notice how you can see links to the 3 subpages you just created at the bottom of ths Home Page, but they do not appear in the Navigation Bar to the left. Google Sites default only allows you to drop 2 levels on the left Navigation Bar. Solution: Change the parameter to 3.

6a. Open “Edit site layour.” Actually click inside the Left Navigation Bar (it will appear light blue.) A dialogue box will appear that will allow you to change the “Levels of pages to show,” from 2 to 3. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #7: Add Text & Format

Open the document in which you wrote the content for your Food Heritage research project. (mobile) (Flash)
7a. Copy the “Introduction” (Narrative) and paste it into the Home Page. Format the text
7b. Copy the “Food Research & Family Connections” segment and paste it into the corresponding web page. Format the text
7c. Copy the “Recipe” segment and paste it into the corresponding web page. Format the text
7d. Copy the “Works Cited” segment and paste it into the corresponding web page. Format the text.

Step #8: Take A Photo With Your Chrome Book & Insert It into Your Site

8a. Take a photo of yourself with the “Camera” App. on your Chrome Book and save to “Downloads” or “Google Drive. Then Insert your photo onto your sites Welcome Page. Text Wrap the image and format the text. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #9: Acquiring Images & Inserting Images

9a. Find a “School Book” image using Google Images and save to ‘Downloads’ or ‘Google Drive’. (mobile) (Flash)
9a1. Insert ‘Book’ image. Resize to ‘Small’ and text wrap. (mobile) (Flash)

9b. Find a relevant image for each of the four “Heritage Food Project” pages: 1. Introduction Page, 2. Research/Family Connection Page, 3. Recipe Page & 4. Works Cited Page, and save them to “Downloads” or “Google Drive.” (mobile) (Flash)
9b1. Insert and text wrap the images you found for the 4 project pages onto each of the corresponding pages. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #10: Add A Drop Down Menu

10a. Create a drop down menu from the English tab to the “Heritage Food Project” Home Page. (mobile) (Flash)

Additional Useful Skills

Helpful Hint: Creating Links

Open the ‘English Home Page.’ Create a link from the word RLS to the RLS website. (mobile) (Flash)

You Are Done Making Your Website!