Explanation of Haiku: |
Question: How can a teacher provide quality feedback to a student on their written work and minimize the amount of time it takes to communicate such information?
Kaizena may be the solution???
The Value of Kaizena: Kaizena allows teachers to provide audio comments directly to segments of a student's Google Doc assignment highlighted by the teacher. A teacher can offer feedback to a student in a fraction of the time it would take to write it on the document. Kaizena also allows the instructor to archive generic comments that come up alot and reuse them with the next student instead of having to rerecord the audio comment.
Note: Kaizena is compatible with Hapara.
Preparation: |
What Browser Should I Use? Google Chrome!
Downloading Kaizena
Login, go to the Google Store and download the Kaizena app and Kaizana mini: (mobile) (Flash)
Activating The PC's Microphone
Your Lenovo's microphone is not automatically activated...you need to turn it on. It is is not intuitive. Mac users...as usual, you should be fine. (Search "Realtek HD Audio Manager." / Microphone / unmute the speaker) (mobile) (Flash)
How to use Haiku. |
Step #1: Direct Audio Feedback to a Google Doc (Goal: Step #1 is meant to show you how Kaizena works.)
- 1a. Open a Google Doc being shared with you with Kaizena. (mobile) (Flash)
- Warning: The microphone on your PC may have a 12 second delay on the first recording you make. How will you know? When you select "Record," green bars should appear measuring your voice level.This is not a Kaizena issue, but a PC issue. Mac users will not have a delay - recording begins immediately for them. Solution: PC users should consider their first recording a junk recording. Start recording and talk until you see the green audio bars appear. Stop recording and delete it. The next recording will work fine. You won't have this problem if you close and open Chrome, but you will have this problem each time you turn off the computer and turn it back on again.
- 1b. The Teacher will provide Audio Feedback to a section of the student's Google Doc assignment. (mobile) (Flash)
- 1c. The student's view of the feedback provided by the teacher; the student will click on a link to activate Kaizena.(mobile) (Flash)
Step #2: Providing Audio Feedback To A Student's Google Doc via Hapara
- 2a. Open Hapara and then open a student's Google Doc and then open Kaizena Mini (Add Ons) in order to provide feedback to a segment of the text. (mobile) (Flash)
- Warning: The microphone on your PC may have a 12 second delay on the first recording you make. How will you know? When you select "Record," green bars should appear measuring your voice level. This is not a Kaizena issue, but a PC issue. Mac users will not have a delay - recording begins immediately for them. Solution: PC users should consider their first recording a junk recording. Start recording and talk until you see the green audio bars appear. Stop recording and delete it. The next recording will work fine. You won't have this problem if you close and open Chrome, but you will have this problem each time you turn off the computer and turn it back on again.
- 2b1. The student's view of the comment provided by the teacher via Hapara; the student will click on link to activate Kaizena. (This Step shows Students how they will receive the teacher's comments!) (mobile) (Flash)
- 2b2. Repetition: The student's view of the comment provided by the teacher via Hapara; the student will click on link to activate Kaizena. (mobile) (Flash)
Helpful Hints |
Reusing An Audio Comment: Archive Generic Comments and Retrieve Them When They Apply to Future Papers
- Create an Audio Comment. Save it so that it can be reused with future students. (mobile) (Flash)
Providing an Audio Comment to a Group Project - One Paper...But Multiple Students.
- In Hapara, "Select" as many students as you want. (mobile) (Flash)
Add Links To The Text To Online Resources.
- Kaizena allows you to link segments of the text to online resources. (mobile) (Flash)
Deleting Tags and Audio Comments
- To delete, open the document, select the highlighted text and then click on the garbage cans. (mobile) (Flash)