Tech Tip of the Week
Please Read if your classroom has a "The Red Elmo" or" Neo 3 (Hover Cam)" document camera

White Elmo Document Camera
If you are the proud owner of a White Elmo Document Camera, you should have no problems using it with the new Lenovos, so delete this email and move on.

Neo 3 (Hover Cam)
If you have a Neo 3 (HoverCam), and prior to using the Neo3 you used a Red Ladibug with your Lenovo, you may have a problem. Your Neo 3 (HoverCam) will continue to send an image to the projector, but it may not allow you to use any of the software on the Lenovo (editing, screen shots, video, etc.), as long as the LadiBug software is present on the Lenovo.
· Test to see if your Neo 3 HoverCam works:
1. Power up and Log into your Lenovo.
2. Turn on the Neo3 (button in back) and connect the USB cable from the Neo3 to the Lenovo.
3. If the HoverCam home page doesn’t immediately open, then go to your “Start Menu” and click on the HoverCam button.
If nothing happens, the Ladibug and the Lumens applications need to be removed from the Lenovo. (Do not uninstall the HoverCam application!).
· Solution: Uninstall Ladibug and Lumens
1. Open the search tool and type in “Uninstall Program.” Select it.
2. Find, “Lumens” and select it. Look directly above this section and select “Uninstall.”
3. Find, “LadiBug” and select it. Look directly above this section and select “Uninstall.”
Restart your Lenovo and you should have full functionality of your Neo 3 (HoverCam).

The Red LadiBug (Lumens)
The Red LadiBug will continue to send an image to the projector. The Red LadiBugs will not work with the new Lenovos unless you install the software for it. The software will allow you to take snapshots, videos and edit. Go to:
After you download and install the software, make sure you enable the microphone.

If you have any problems, contact me and I can assist you.

Take care,
