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Explanation of Training:

The students have been provided with the model document that they are going to recreate using Google Docs. They have also been provided with a gradesheet that acts as a step-by-step guide; if the student follows each of the steps, they will successfully recreate the model. Finally, look at the video tutorials (below) - notice how each step exactly matches the steps called for in the gradesheet. The video tutorials teach them the skills that make up each step on the gradesheet.


What Browser Should I Use? (mobile) (Flash)

Login & View Model Site
Login to your Google Account: Students: (mobile) (Flash) Teachers: (mobile) (Flash)
Open the browser and view the "Model Document." This is the site you are going to recreate.

Helpful Hints: Edit Undo & Viewing a Document
Oops! How to quickly fix an accidental entry & how to view a document as you edit. (mobile) (Flash)

Begin Creating a Google Doc!

Step #1: Enter Google Drive, Open a New Google Document & Title the Document.

  • 1a.  Title it, “ModelGoogleDoc_”YourName." (mobile) (Flash)

Navigating in Google Drive

  • Navigating from the Drive, to the Files and then back to the Drive. (mobile) (Flash)
Accessing Files
I am providing you with all of the text and images in order to recreate the model. If you have a Google account (S.H.U.S.D.), you can access all the files via the "Shared with me" link in your Google Drive (look for the "VintageHall.jpg" file and the "GoogleDoc_No Format_Model" file. In Step #2 below, you will copy the text from this file into your new Google Doc.). If not, click here to access a special page I have set up so you can download (mobile) (Flash), the files to your desktop and then upload (mobile) (Flash) them to your Google Drive.

Step #2: Copy Text from Shared File & Paste into Your New Document

  • 2a.Copy and paste the unformatted text that was provided to you, into your Google Document. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #3: Organize the Files & Folders in Your Google Drive

  • 3a. Create a folder called, “ModelGoogleDoc,” Drag the image and text you were provided into it. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #4: Page Setup, Margins, Rulers, Tabs & Indentation

Step #5: Font

  • 5a. “Select All” the text on the page and change it to “Arial,” size 10. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #6 Formatting Text: Font, Size, Bold, Center, Color & Note Taking Highlighting Text

  • 6a. Highlight the title: “Google Docs” Training. Make it Bold, Center, Size 14 and Color Red. (mobile) (Flash)
  • 6b. When you are taking notes, you can highlight the text. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #7 Horizontal Line

Step #8: Right & Left Indent

  • 8a. Right and Left indent .5 inch on both sides. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #9: Tables

  • 9a. Copy and paste the provided text into the corresponding cells. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #10: Line Spacing

  • 10a. Apply 1.5” spacing to the text in the left cell. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #11: Bullets / Numbered Lists & Indent

  • 11a. Apply an outline to the text in the right cell. (mobile) (Flash)

Step #12: Shading

Step #13: Insert Picture

Step #14: Headers & Footers (and Page Breaks)

  • 14a. Apply a Footer that reads: “Created by: Your Name.” (mobile) (Flash)

Step #15: Spell Check

Step #16: Export (Print,  File: Word Document/.pdf & Email)

Also: Text Boxes (mobile) (Flash)
Click here to view the Model with the Text Box Added to it: Model with Text Box.

Sharing Your Google Doc!
Visit the Sharing Training Page: click here!