

The students have been provided with the model document that they are going to recreate using Google Docs. They have also been provided with a gradesheet that acts as a step-by-step guide; if you follow each of the steps, the student will not only get full credit, but will successfully recreate the model. Finally, look at the video tutorials (below) - notice how each step exactly matches the steps called for in the gradesheet.


Download Files
Download the following files from the training website to your desktop (create a folder called “GoogleDocs): 1. The unformatted Word document, 2. The formatted “Model” Word document and a photo of a Vintage Hall. You are currently holding the Formatted Model Document (look at the other side of this handout). The Mode
l is what you are going to recreate.

Begin Creating a Google Doc!

Step #1: Create A New Web Site
1a.  Explain “Sites” Home Page.

1b.  Show/Explain Blank Templates and Professional Templates.

1c.  Choose Blank Template. Enter Site Name: “Model Site.” Select Theme. Create! (5pts.)

1d.  Create Junk Site. Change Site Name(Manage). Delete Site(Manage).

Step #2: Adding & Linking New Web Pages
2a. Open “Model Site.”You are viewing the Home Page. Rename it,“S.H.U.S.D.–School Sites.”(5pt)
2b. Create “RLS” page. Link “SHUSD” Page to it.(New Page –Template: Web) (5pts.)
2c. Create “Elementary” page. Link “SHUSD” Page to it.(New Page:Template:Announcement)(5pt)
2d. Create “Primary” page. Link “SHUSD” Page to it. .(New Page –Template: List)( (5pts.)
2e. Create “SHHS” page. Link “SHUSD” Page to it. (New Page –Template: Web) (5pts.) 2f. Create Dummy Page. Delete Dummy page. (Manage Sites)
  • Step #3:  Add Text & Format
    Access Text via MM / Insert / Drive / Document / Select the correct file / click blue link / copy & paste into web page.
    3a. Copy and paste provided text onto the “S.H.U.S.D. School Sites,” page. Format the text. (5pts.)
    3b. Copy and paste provided text onto the “St. Helena High School” page, Format the text. (5pts.)
    3c. Copy and paste provided text onto the “RLS” page. Format the text. (5pts.)
    3d. Copy and paste provided text onto the “Elementary School,” page Format the text. (5pts.)

    3e  Copy and paste provided text onto the “Primary School,” page. Format the text. (5pts.)

Step #4: Layout _ Columns

4a. Open the SHHS Page. Format text into a 2 column layout. (5pts.)

Step #5: Insert Photos, Resize, Text Wrap (Both Share G.D. & URL)
5a. SHUSD: Insert photo(Edit/Insert/GDrive/Image), resize, text wrap and line up the page. (5pts.)
5b. S.H.H.S.: Insert photo (Edit/Insert/GDrive/Image), resize, text wrap and line up the page. (5pts)
5c. RLS: Insert photo (Edit/Insert/GDrive/Image), resize, text wrap and line up the page. (5pts)
5d. Elementary: Insert photo (Edit/Insert/GDrive/Image), resize, text wrap and line up the page. (5pts)

5e. Primary: Insert photo (Edit/Insert/GDrive/Image), resize, text wrap and line up the page. (5pts)

Step #6: Tables

6a. Add Bell Schedule table to the SHHS page.  (5pts)

Step #7: Text Links & Link File to a Page
7a. Create a link from the SHHS page to the calendar on the District Web site. (5pts.)
7b. Create a link from the SHHS page to the calendar file Shared on the Google Drive. (5pts.)

7c. Add a file to a page. (5pts.)

Step #8: Add Video
8a. Add YouTube video to RLS Page. (5pts.)

8b. Add Personal Video (Google Drive) to RLS Page. (5pts.)

Step #9: List Page

9a. Create the Primary School Parent Support List. (5pts.)

Step #10: Announcement Page

10a. Create the Elementary School Announcement (Blog) page.

Additional: Professional Templates


Step #12:

Step #13:

(mobile) (Flash)

Step #14:

Step #15:

Step #16: