The Internet

Learn how the multi-layered systems of the internet function as you collaboratively solve problems and puzzles about encoding and transmitting data, both ‘unplugged’ and using’s Internet Simulator. cy.

Chapter 1: Representing & Transmitting Information
U2Ch1L1: Welcome to the Internet Students will learn how computers are connected into networks and the tradeoffs involved in building different types of networks. Click Here.
U2Ch1L2:Building a Network Students will learn how computers are connected into networks and the tradeoffs involved in building different types of networks.
Click Here.
U2Ch1L3:The Need For Addressing (IP) Learn how computers are able to send information across a network even though the computers may not be directly connected. Investigate the protocols used on the Internet to make this possible.
Click Here.
U2Ch1L4: Routers & Redundancy Students will learn how information is routed through the Internet and the reasons networks often will include many multiple paths between different points in the network.
Click Here.
U2Ch1L5: Packets Students will learn how information travelling over the Internet is divided into many packets that travel separately through the network as well as the protocols that allow this process to work even when some packets are lost or delayed.
Click Here.
U2Ch1L6: DNS & HTTP Students will learn how websites are shared on the Internet and then examine whether everyone actually has equal access to information on the World Wide Web.
Click Here.
U2Ch1L7: Internet Dilemmas 1 Begin forming your own answer to the question "Has the Internet made the world better or worse" by considering your own experiences and then reading articles about the impact of the Internet on the world. Click Here.
U2Ch1L8: Internet Dilemmas 2 Students will share their conclusions.
Click Here.
U1Ch1L3: Sending Binary Messages with the Internet Simulator - Protocols. Students will learn how to develop protocols to solve a problems using both flashlights and the internet simulator. Click Here.
U1Ch1L5: Binary_ Calculate Numbers Students will calculate with binary numbers using a Flippy Do chart. Click Here.
U1Ch1L6: Binary_Sending Numbers Students will get to invent a communication protocol that allows them to send a list of numbers to represent a drawing using the Internet Simulator. Click Here
Chapter 2: Inventing The Internet
U1Ch2L8: The Internet Is For Everyone. Students will acquire a greater understanding of how the internet works. Click Here

U1CH2L9: The Need For A Network Addressing System.

Students will learn about the Internet Protocol Address System (IP Address)

Click Here

U1Ch2L10_Routers and Redundancy

Students will learn how internet traffic is managed by interacting with an online router. Click Here
U1Ch2L11; Packets & Making a Reliable Internet

Students will develop protocols to deal with an unreliable internet.

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U1Ch2L12a: The Need For DNS. Students will take part in several scenarios in which they will see the purpose of DNS. Click Here
U1Ch2L12b: DNS Security Students will see both the problems created and solved by DNS. Click Here
U1Ch2L13: HTTP & Abstraction On The Internet Student will diagram the process of how information is requested and received on the internet. Click Here
