
Volcano Wall

Storm Flights

Missile Launches


Food and Lodging



Code of Conduct

Discontinued Blog

Danger Land

Blog (Discontinued)

Day 1-We exist.
Day 2-Nobody is here. This is concerning.
Day 3-Here they are. Let the fun begin.
Day 4-The first death has occured. We chucked the remains into the Gravefire.
Day 5-The U.S. government has come to shut us down. We killed them.
Day 6-The death count has reached 1,000. Good.
Day 7-The apocolypse has begun.
Day 50-1 million people have come here. Half of them have died.
Day 250-4 billion people have arrived. 3 billion are dead.
Day 436-We have done it. The whole world has come here. They are all dead. We are the only ones left.
Day 437-Our group of 50 people will not go to waste. This population control experiment has gone very well.
Day 438-Reproduction has started. This is good.
Day 500-News has arrived that there is a small group of people in Canada that survived. We cannot let this happen. We must show our dominance.
Day 1000-We have done it. Reproduction has gone well. The world is being repopulated. With us as the leaders. Excellent. Truely excellent.
Day 5000-The world is bustling again. We are in control. This has been a huge success. We have decided to discontinue this blog as it is no longer neccesary. However, the website will stay up to remind us of our success.